
Microsoft’s incentive program for Unity Developers extended till June 30

Microsoft offers a unique incentive program to Unity Developers for supporting the creation and launch of Unity games on Windows…

350+ Free Blurred backgrounds from Blurgrounds & More

Blurred backgrounds are among the global design trends. Using blurred backgrounds layered behind text or other graphic elements can do wonders…

Download Telerik Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls FREE for limited time

Great news for Windows Platform developers, Telerik is giving away free licence of its Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls for…

50+ Free Bokeh Background Images and Textures

Bokeh backgrounds are great way of forcing focus on the content that is placed on top of them and are heavily used…

Free Playing Cards set (PNG & SVG)

Continuing our series of Freebies for you, we have brought today a free playing cards set that you can use for making online…

Countries where Windows Phone outsells iPhone [Infographics]

Here is some motivation to develop for Windows Phone and to bring your existing iOS and android apps to the Windows Phone platform.…

Win Lumia 1020 by telling apps you can’t live without to AdDuplex

AdDuplex, cross-promotion network for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps, is running monthly contests and giving away Windows Phone devices to…

How to support pinning of live tile for websites

Pinning of live tile for websites has been available in Windows 8.1 for quite some time now. With the announcement of…

Free Stock Photos for Apps and Websites

Using images that reinforce the content of your apps and websites can be an effective way to make them visually as well…

Universal Windows app development : Essential Build session videos

It is quite exciting times for Windows Phone and Windows Store developers, as a whole new dimension of universal apps has…

9 Endless Runner games on Windows Phone for inspiration

As an app or game developer, you constantly need to brainstorm and come up with new, innovative ideas that will translate…

Microsoft Build 2014 Recap for Developers

Last week was pretty busy with lots of news and announcements from Microsoft Build 2014 Developer Conference and therefore we have brought…