One of the ways that search engines and internet browsers find new sites is through organic search results, also known as search engine optimization (SEO). But once they’re there, in order to ensure that they stay on the site, SEO hosting is essential.
The factors that contribute to how your site ends up ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) are limitless, but these five factors stand out as key determinants in how your web pages rank and how valuable they will be for potential customers.
Choosing a Web Host
A web host is a company that provides customers with space on a server to store data, like web pages and files. When selecting a web host, keep the following features in mind:
- Unlimited disk space;
- Ample bandwidth (the amount of data you can transfer per month);
- Multiple databases and domain names;
- 24/7 technical support and customer service;
- Advanced security.
These factors will all affect your rankings on search engines like Google. The same applies if you don’t have enough storage space – if users can’t access your web page because it keeps crashing or slowing down due to lack of resources, they may be less likely to visit it again in the future.
Shared Web Hosting vs. Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Shared web hosting is a popular option among newcomers to website building, since it’s often more affordable than VPS. In using it, you share your server with other web pages and each site is equally affected by its performance.
If your web pages suffer from subpar performance due to an excess of traffic or technical issues on the host’s end, that will affect all the other web pages hosted on it as well.
In contrast, if you have a VPS, your site will be running on its own virtual machine (VM), so it won’t be impacted by any problems other sites are experiencing. Of course, this service is more expensive.
The Importance of Page Load Speed
No one likes to sit around waiting for a web page to load. Whether it’s an e-commerce site, a consumer review page, or even just your personal website, if it doesn’t load in under three seconds, you risk losing visitors.
The best way to do so is by choosing a fast web host. This means using VPS or dedic ated servers rather than shared web hosting (unless you have less than 100GB of data per month).
Managed WordPress Hosting Services
If you have no desire to manage your WordPress installation, a managed WordPress hosting provider may be your best option. WordPress makes it easy to set up an online eCommerce website for selling physical and digital products of all kinds, with its array of tools and themes. Now is the best time to start an online business.
You can sign up for a plan and avoid the hassle of tweaking Apache server settings or configuring MySQL databases—the service will take care of all that for you. It’s like hiring an interior decorator rather than buying all your furniture and decorating everything yourself.
SSL Certificates
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that verifies the identity of a web page and allows for a secure connection. Until recently, SSL certificates were used mostly to make online purchasing more secure. Nowadays, they’re also seen as a ranking factor on search engines.
Put simply, Google and other search engines look at SSL certificates as an indication of trust: if your site is secured with an HTTPS certificate, you must be a legitimate business owner who values security and privacy.
If your site doesn’t have one, it might not rank as highly in SERPs. Of course, there are other factors that affect rankings, but having an SSL certificate like Comodo installed on your website is a good place to start.
CDN Services
A content delivery network (CDN) is a service that allows you to host your website’s assets and resources in multiple locations so your visitors have an easier time accessing them.
CDNs can significantly reduce the loading time on a web page by ensuring your files are accessible from the servers closest to where they live — and they improve security by protecting against DDoS attacks and other threats.
This means faster load times for your users, which translates to higher rankings in search results. If you use WordPress or Joomla!, there are even plugins that let you set up a CDN in just one click.
When choosing the best hosting for SEO migration to go with, your focus should be on three main factors: budget, speed, and security.
If you’re on a low budget, find a shared host (the cheapest option) or VPS provider who supports automatic WordPress updates and offers adequate security for your site.
Your web page will load faster if you’re not on a super slow server, so select for good speed scores and free CDN usage, as your resources allow.