Five Online Security Tips to Keep Your Online B2B Operations Safe

It is estimated that more than 30,000 websites from around the world suffer from some type of security breach on a daily basis. However, one misconception involves the belief that only smaller portals suffer from such intrusions. A growing body of evidence now suggests that professional portals (such as those related to B2B transactions) are at a greater risk than ever before. This leads us to two very important questions.

Why are B2B websites such tempting targets for nefarious individuals? Furthermore, what steps can you take in order to guarantee that sensitive information remains behind closed (digital) doors at all times?

Why are B2B Firms Being Targeted?

One of the main reasons why websites related to B2B services are potentially lucrative in terms of hacking involves the simple fact that they tend to store a significant amount of information. Examples include:

  • Email addresses
  • Financial information (such as credit card numbers or invoices relating to past purchase)
  • Phone numbers
  • Proprietary business details

In the event that a hacker is able to obtain a large amount of data, these metrics will often be passed on to third parties who ultimately exploit specific details (such as phishing scams). It is also important to mention that the brand reputation of any business which is compromised will inevitably suffer. So, what steps can you take in order to holster you current levels of website security?

1. Work With a Trusted E-Commerce Provider

Why do so many B2B enterprises choose to partner with Headless e-commerce platforms? Common responses will include access to astoundingly flexible architecture, a headless configuration, multichannel sales opportunities, and a high degree of centralised oversight. While all of these are certainly true, it is also wise to point out that modern e-commerce solutions offer impressive levels of security such as advanced SSL and AES encryption. So, sensitive information will remain safe at all times.

2. Regularly Update Your CMS and Plugins

Outdated content management systems (CMSs) can lead to surprisingly profound problems. One primary concern involves any recommended security patches that have not been installed. These updates are there for a reason. They are intended to protect your site from any threats as they begin to emerge (the same reason why a Windows operating system needs to be updated somewhat regularly). So, be sure to stay on top of any CMS modifications that are deemed essential.

Plugins can also offer a “back door” to hackers from time to time. Once again, check to make sure that you are using the latest versions. Not only will this increase levels of on-site safety, but updated plugins tend to offer a greater sense of end-user flexibility.

3. Employ a Robust Firewall

Firewalls have existed since the early days of the Internet and they are just as important in these modern times. In some ways, firewalls represent one of the last lines of defence between your B2B operations and potential hackers. These often come in the form of third-party anti-virus systems and their presence should never be taken lightly. If you happen to be using a cloud-based storage system (as many B2B firms are), check to see what type of firewall is employed.

4. Eliminate Redundant Files and/or Data

Many businesses will not attribute as much importance to irrelevant or outdated information (such as a purchase that was made a few years ago). However, the data contained is still proprietary. Account numbers and banking details can easily become compromised if these files are not dealt with properly. They can either be stored on a separate device (such as an external hard drive) or destroyed entirely. This brings us to the final point.

5. Ensure the Proper Destruction of Physical Devices

Current GDPR guidelines stipulate that businesses need to address the concept of data destruction in terms of physical devices. This is more relevant when referring to B2B operations, as telecommuting is now becoming commonplace. There are three ways in which such devices can be rendered safe:

  • Overwriting
  • Degaussing
  • Physical destruction

In any of these cases, it is best wot work with a professional third-party firm which specialises in data destruction. You can then rest assured in the knowledge that all sensitive information has been completely ablated.

Considering how quickly online threats have emerged over time, the chances are high that B2B organisations will be required to implement even more security protocols in the coming years. This is why taking the most appropriate steps at the moment can help to guarantee that proprietary information never falls into the wrong hands. Thankfully, there are plenty of e-commerce solutions which will provide robust and flexible solutions at the best times.

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