A variety of digital marketing tactics and strategies are available to brands and businesses both large and small. While traditional forms of marketing and advertising require enormous sums to deploy effectively, digital marketing has helped level the playing field in online settings.
Arguably the most popular form of online marketing is PPC advertising, which can be found everywhere, including social media platforms and search engines. Given the relative ease of setting up one or more PPC campaigns, even first-time marketers and new brands should have minimal trouble reaching audiences in no time at all.
To help would-be marketers learn more about this vital digital marketing strategy, let’s discuss how PPC advertising works and what benefits it can provide.
The Basics of PPC Advertising
With an unprecedented number of marketing options available online, you may be wondering what all the buzz is about with PPC advertising. In short, PPC stands for Pay Per Click, which means that rather than billing brands and businesses for each impression, they are billed for each click. This has a variety of advantages – and while CPM advertising still exists – most brands opt for PPC instead.
Each time a person clicks on your ad in search engine results, social media or via ads displayed on a website, you are charged. This ensures that each time you are billed, it is done so via earning qualified traffic. The costs associated with PPC advertising can vary greatly, depending on how big of an impression you’re trying to make with a given audience, how contested the niche in which you’re advertising is, and other minor factors.
The Methods of Handling PPC Campaigns
If and once you decide that PPC advertising is the right approach for your brand on one or more platforms, the process then becomes one of deciding how to handle these campaigns. Virtually every major platform – from Facebook to Google – offers intuitive marketing interfaces that allow for the easy creation of PPC campaigns. As such, even complete novices can create and manage their PPC campaigns. However, not knowing the intricacies of PPC marketing can result in your campaigns lacking efficiency – which ultimately will cost your brand more of its marketing budget in the process.
Another option for PPC campaigns is to get an agency to manage it for you. Professional PPC campaign agencies have all the knowledge necessary to deploy a highly effective strategy from day one. For brands and businesses seeking to spend large sums of money to attract new customers and subscribers, this can generate additional profit even when factoring in agency costs. For brands seeking to deploy the occasional small PPC campaign, however, it likely will not be cost-effective to enlist professional PPC services.
How Brands Benefit from PPC Campaigns
Brands should obviously expect multiple benefits from any digital marketing effort: what can be expected from using PPC campaigns?
First and foremost, the benefit of paying only when you drive qualified traffic to your website cannot be overlooked. As opposed to paying each time somebody sees your ads, PPC campaigns ensure that you’re only charged when somebody finds interest in what you’re offering.
PPC campaigns also have a well-established track record of paying for themselves when utilized properly. Effective campaigns can function very much like printing presses for money; while initial investments are required, the combined profit from added traffic and purchases more than makes up for the PPC budget itself.
These campaigns also ensure insulation from changes in SEO algorithms and guarantee additional traffic to your website. Regardless of how well you rank in search engines or how big of a following you have on social media, generating interest via these campaigns can always be guaranteed.
PPC advertising is an essential component of any digital marketing arsenal and provides many benefits for brands to enjoy. Now that you’re aware of both the basics of PPC campaigns and how they can assist your brand, consider embracing this strategy as one way to help further grow your digital presence.