How are Writers Coping With The Advancement of AI

Artificial intelligence has extended its tendrils into almost every industry, and the world of writing is one area that is being transformed by the impact of AI.

While human scribes are still abundant, the rise of the AI copywriting tool is mixing things up and creating disruption in this sector.

So how are flesh and blood wordsmiths dealing with the state of play, and what does the future hold when the prospect of a fully fledged AI writer seems just around the corner?

Working together, not in opposition

The first point to make, as in any discussion of the role that AI plays in the modern world, is that this technology is largely being used to benefit the people working in the industry, not as a means of replacing them.

For example, using an AI article writer is an option for professionals who want to accelerate their output without having to sacrifice quality or consistency.

Human writers can work hand in glove with an AI copywriting tool, and this delivers the best of both worlds in terms of originality, grammatical accuracy, and the volume of words that can be produced.

This is obviously most relevant in the digital marketing space, but this is not the only area in which applying the abilities of an AI copywriter comes in handy. 

Everyone from journalists to novelists stands to reap the benefits of having AI-enhanced solutions at their disposal, whether simply to deal with typos and spelling errors when deadlines are tight, or to provide inspiration for new narrative threads to follow.

Making the industry more accessible

Another aspect of AI in a writing context is that modern tools can level the playing field and increase access to writing jobs, regardless of background and even irrespective of the native language you speak.

If your English skills aren’t entirely up to scratch, for example, running copy through an AI solution to fix issues is a blessing.

In this sense you can also consider AI as a learning tool, since it shows humans where they are going wrong, suggests the necessary adjustments, and leaves them with more knowledge than when they started.

Improving quality across the board

Following on from the idea of improving the accessibility of writing, AI has the potential to make every sentence the average reader encounters more digestible. Rather than poor diction, spelling and grammar getting in the way, software powered by AI lets even below average writers be brought up to a decent standard.

Of course no AI tool is completely perfect in this regard, and it’s possible for mistakes to persist or meaning to be lost when they are used. But part of the point of AI is that, like real human intelligence, it can get better at what it does over time. This means that writing software will become more capable day by day, and be even more appealing in the months and years to come.

Satisfying the demand for content

Ultimately, modern writers need AI on their side because of just how much content they are expected to produce today.

The prevalence of social media and the role of the web more generally in modern culture and society means that if you want to keep pace, you have to get help from software.

We are essentially talking about an evolution of the very earliest spell checkers and grammar tools offered by word processing software. It’s just that rather than making minor corrections, entire articles can be conjured up, and human writers can then go to work to add that extra layer of polish.

Cover Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

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