Integrate multiple advertisement providers in Windows apps with AdRotator

Quite often you may feel the need of having multiple advertisement providers in your app, as just one may not be enough to fulfill the ad-inventory. If your current ad-provider is offering lower fill rate, or is unable to offer good eCPM in certain regions then you may want to try out different ad-providers.

Imagine a scenario where you are able to integrate multiple ad providers in your app and switch them on the fly based on their success metrics. Your app is able to pick the best ad providers based on location and language of the user and rotate between different ad providers in case one doesn’t fill up the ad-space. Wouldn’t that be more beneficial way to monetize your app? This is what AdRotator offers for apps on Windows Platforms, including Windows Phone 7 & 8 and Windows 8.

AdRotator for Windows Platform

AdRotator allows your apps on Windows Platform to integrate with several Ad Providers and rotate through them as per the rules defined by you. In case any ad-proivder fails to display ads, it moves on to the next best ad provider (configured by you), ensuring your app or game is not losing any ad inventory.

AdRotator allows its configuration to be hosted externally on a remote server, which makes it easy to update your set of rules without the need of updating your apps and games. You can also set-up your own ads with AdRotator, for cross promoting your apps or for anything else.

AdRotator supports multiple Advertisement Providers

Currently, AdRotator supports the following Ad-Providers. You can suggest and vote for more Ad-Providers to be included at its VoteIt Page.

  • Microsoft PubCenter
  • AdDuplex
  • Smaato
  • Google AdMob (Windows Phone 8 only)
  • MobFox (windows Phone 7 only)
  • Inneractive (formally Nokia Ad-Exchange)
  • Inmobi
  • House Ads

Ad Rotation in Unity Projects

AdRotator also supports Unity Projects with its Unity Plugin for Windows Phone and Windows 8. With the announcement of V2.0.1 release, support for Unity was restored by the authors of AdRotator.

Get Started with AdRotator

Learn how to configure AdRotator and use it in your projects with this detailed write-up. Learn how to use AdRotator Unity Plugin.

Find AdRotator on GitHub.

Categories: Development
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