DevOps is a role that has evolved considerably over recent years. Originally a combination of development and operations roles, DevOps has now progressed to become more engineering based. Which means that not only does a DevOps engineer need technical skills, they need to sit between, and manage the expectations and interactions of, two different departments, making them the ultimate multi-taskers.
DevOps engineers may be required to possess technical skills, but the job requires far more soft skills than may be assumed for a typical engineer. In fact, if you are looking for DevOps Jobs that will offer security and career progression, being able to demonstrate the following soft skills can help you to stand out from the competition.
If you think that DevOps involves predominantly solo working, then it might not be the right job for you. DevOps relies on bringing departments together to create success. A DevOps engineer doesn’t just need to know what needs to be done, when, and how; they need to make sure that the other teams and their team members are aware of the expectations and goals, too. It is down to the DevOps engineer to assess challenges and adjust expectations or actions accordingly so that all teams are working to their full potential with common, clear goals and concept of what success looks like, alongside transparency of their role in achieving success.
If you are a DevOps engineer, you need to be able to relate to your client, and their customers, so that you can produce a piece of technology that meets your client’s expectations as well as being intuitive and easy to use for their customers. Not only that, you need to be able to relate to your teams so that you can enable them to fulfill their potential and manage expectations. Compassion, therefore, is a valuable skill for a DevOps engineer; it will enable you to understand what is required as well as put your teams first so that you get the very best performance from them.
DevOps engineers undoubtedly need to be smart, but you will never know everything. The key to a successful career in DevOps lies with curiosity: accept that you won’t have every answer and embrace the concept of ongoing researching, learning and improvement. Continuing to ask questions will help you, and your team members, to clarify expectations, push boundaries and explore new concepts. Conversely, accepting the norm could limit you to soon-to-be outdated ideas and processes, which could see you lagging behind your counterparts.
Straight off the back of curiosity, we have creativity; after all, what is the point in asking questions and examining preconceived ideas if you don’t have the innovation to address what you discover? As a successful DevOPs engineer, you will push the limits of your and your organization’s knowledge and capabilities, bringing both to the next level. DevOps requires a unique combination of creativity and precision. Whilst DevOps success depends in part on your ability to think outside of the preordained norms, you won’t have complete freedom to rewrite your own story; certain parameters must remain in place in order to achieve success.
A DevOps Engineer’s success and potential are as strong as their team. No matter how brilliant, creative, compassionate and curious you are, you will not succeed unless you bring your teams along with you. Collaboration, therefore, is the fifth C in the DevOps essential soft skills. In DevOps, you need to manage and prioritize a host of workloads while retaining control over programs and achieving insight into upcoming and concurrent projects. Knowing when to reach out for support, as well as how and when to provide support is critical for success. Likewise, building a strong, collaborative team that is built on mutual trust and respect will ensure that your team members’ activities and qualities complement each other, so that their actions exceed the sum of their parts and enable you to deliver results.
DevOps is more than a job or career path; it is a way of being. In order to be a successful DevOps engineer, you need to possess the right level of technical ability as well as a unique blend of soft skills that will enable you to propel your organization to the next level. Because culture is so central to DevOps, in order to see optimal career potential, it is important that you work with the right organization. Liaising with a tech recruitment agency could help you to find the best fit for you.
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