‘Love You to the Moon and Back’ Quote Poster

Express your love to the special people in your lives with our latest free poster featuring the quote – Love You to the Moon and Back.

The quote is written using a hand brushed font over a watercolor textured background. The font sports dry brush strokes in its letterforms that give the text a natural hand-lettered look. For those interested, you can find more details on the font and the background used in making this poster after the download section.

The poster is available for free download as high quality 1080×1080 px JPG image. This image size is ideal for sharing it on your social channels especially Instagram and Pinterest. You can also use the quote image to send Valentine Day greetings to your loved ones.


Below you can preview the poster mocked-up inside a frame. Download the poster in full size beneath the preview.

Download Love You to the Moon and Back Poster

You can download this poster for free as high quality JPG image using the button below.


The free poster comes with personal use license. In return you need to provide attribution to https://templateflip.com. You are not allowed to re-sell this poster.

If you want to use the graphic resource in your personal and commercial projects without attribution, you can purchase its premium license from TemplateFlip. Purchasing the license will also give you access to the source Photoshop (PSD) file.

Design Assets Used in Creating the Poster

The quote image is created in Photoshop using these resources:


I have used a premium font, Malina Brush for giving the text a handwritten look. You can purchase this brush script in TTF and OTF formats from Creative Market.

Watercolor Background

The watercolor background used in the poster comes from my own set of Watercolor Backgrounds that includes 7 high quality, detailed backgrounds at 300 DPI that you can also buy from TemplateFlip.

Poster Mockup

For creating the mock-up of the poster inside a frame (the preview image), I have used free poster frame PSD mockup by GraphicBurger that is a part of our round-up of free poster mockup PSD templates.


If you like this poster, do not forget to share it among your friends and spread the word. Thank you!

Categories: Freebies
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