Do you leverage technology for human resource management?
Well, it’s clear technology is disrupting each business, industry, and department. The last decade has shown how management software improved HR specialists’ work. According to a Capterra survey in 2016, 94% of recruiters said recruiting software improved the hiring process. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nowadays, when advanced technology develops at a sound speed, it’s wise to keep up with HR tech trends and apply them to solving key HR challenges. In this article, we discuss top HR trends and how they change the game.
Top 5 HR Tech Trends
From year to year, HR specialists face new issues that have to be solved. According to PwC’s Human Resources Technology Survey, top challenges in HR include but aren’t limited to HR insights and data analytics, employee retention, remote work, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Let’s see how emerging HR trends can ease up these processes.
Hybrid Work Models
Working from home became more an employee perk, than a necessity nowadays. Deloitte Hybrid Work Survey reported that more than 50% of employees prefer to work from home. Many workers are not planning to return to the office, and the majority believe they could benefit from several working-home days a week. To fulfill employee requirements, HR specialists should learn how to manage hybrid work models.
Hybrid work models can be remote-first or office-first or split-week. No matter what model you are in, you should figure out how to set up schedules, work environment, communication, and upskilling.
Luckily, there are dozens of digital solutions that help to bring distributed teams together. Such tools as Slack, ClickUp, and Trello make the remote work experience better. Moreover, SaaS solutions such as PukkaTeam help to create virtual offices to help teams work closer.
Employee Wellness Management Goes Digital
Employee wellbeing influences job performance, employee satisfaction, and talent retention. As the companies are interested in building effective teams, they invest in activities that help employees reduce stress, and improve physical and mental wellbeing.
Soon, we’ll see more and more companies using digital platforms powered by employee data to personalize wellness activities and make them more engaging with gamification. Mobile applications for mental wellness will provide the flexibility to work on stress relief, sleep improvement, etc.
Artificial Intelligence for Analytics
Data analysis is one of the notable HR trends. HR specialists can get fruitful insights from data, but processing it becomes difficult when the number of employees grows.
Data collection and processing tools powered by Artificial Intelligence can help managers better understand their employees, and discover their strengths and weaknesses, preferences, and pain points. AI tools with natural language processing can provide HR specialists with clear results so they can address existing issues based on data, not on “gut feeling” or random decisions.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The social shift to non-conventional gender identification impacts employee retention and talent acquisition. Talent managers need to avoid making biased decisions and find ways to bring diversity to the company’s culture.
How HR tech trends can help support DE&I? DE&I tools designed to identify diversity gaps and suggest solutions to improve the work environment are already emerging. Qualtrics DE&I solution offers experience management platforms with feedback tools that help companies to make effective changes and become more inclusive and diverse.
Leveraging Gig Economy
The popularity of remote work (see remote job boards) allows companies to hire the best talent worldwide. The gig economy is beneficial for employers as they can acquire a professional with a specific skillset at any stage of a project. And employees get to work on their terms.
Software providers start adjusting their products to help companies manage gig workers. For example, the Zoho Workerly tracking tool allows managing temporary workers, their availability, and billing.
These are the most discussed HR trends, however, the progress doesn’t stop. More and more companies shift to cloud-based management systems, integrate blockchain and the Internet of Things to the workplace, and teach employees to use self-service tools. We’ll definitely see more exciting tech in HR in the future. Just care to keep up.
Wrapping Up
Technology and HR management are tightly connected these days. More and more HR tools are integrated into the workflow to help specialists automate processes, use data for insights and improve the employee experience. Nearly, we’ll observe an application of all-in-one HR management tools. So, when planning your HR workflow, consider HR trends to bring more benefits to your company.
Related: How to Find the Best Talent? 5 Tips for HR Professionals & Businesses
Cover Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash