Customer satisfaction is one of the key performance indicators (KPIs) that your business is moving in the right trajectory. A happy client means achieved goals. Some of the key areas of customer satisfaction include prompt customer support through an omnichannel system. Your customers may be found on different platforms online, so it’s your responsibility to ensure that you connect with them at their convenience. Monitoring all your channels might be difficult for many businesses. If this describes your business, this is where customer help desk software comes to your rescue.
A help desk software is a type of customer relationship management (CRM) system. A helpdesk CRM helps your business improve efficiency, boost accuracy, reduce time performing some business tasks, improve productivity, and increase sales. If you’re yet to implement a help desk software in your business, you might be wondering how it can benefit you. Here are some ways to use a helpdesk CRM to level up client satisfaction in your business.
1. For Improved First Contact Resolution Rate (FCR)
FCR refers to those tickets received by customer support agents that are resolved immediately. In this case, there is no need to tell your customers to contact your agents later. With help desk software, you can easily follow through and clear up any ticket. Immediately resolving your customer’s concerns shows that you honor their time. If your customer had an issue with their billing, you could correct the issue with no need to tell your client to wait. Customers attach good service to the amount of time it takes to have their needs met. At the end of the day, it improves customer satisfaction.
To Receive Customer Feedback
With help desk software, it becomes easy to receive feedback from your clients. You can collect feedback through all of your communication channels using the omnichannel setup. For instance, you can request customer feedback on their customer’s experience once a ticket is solved. Customer feedback is important as it helps you improve your client support. If you deal with many customers, you can store the feedback information in a help desk knowledge database where the concerned individuals can access it.
If there were issues concerning your products pointed in the feedback, once you have resolved them, you can send a message to your customers or call them to notify them of the improvement.
2. For Multichannel Support
Your business doesn’t have to be limited to only one mode of communication. On the contrary, your customers should be able to contact your business through different communication channels. Use an all-in-one CRM to help you connect with your customers through their channel of choice. For instance, you can use the help desk software to perform telephony integrations, streamline resolutions, and route incoming calls from customers. A good CRM should allow call forwarding to the free agent. In addition, you can record calls for later use. Call recording is important to listen to the discussion later for better customer service.
Apart from using a telephony system, you can use help desk software for monitoring and listening on your social media accounts. You’ll get notified instantly when a customer sends a message through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Whatsapp. Thus, you can respond to the message with immediate effect. This ensures that you can hold live chat support with your esteemed clients. Real-time response to your customers can help in faster lead conversions, thus improving business revenues.
In addition, you can leverage email integration of help desk software as a communication channel. Emails received through a help desk can be forwarded to the right agent for immediate action. As a result, email tickets receive a quick resolution.
3. To Give Personalized Customer Support
The beauty of a help desk is that it keeps a record of all of your customers. As a result, you can see the history of your clients and the issues that they’ve been following. Your customers don’t need to introduce themselves once they contact your business, as all the information is visible. If they have a pending ticket to be resolved, you can see how far the matter has gone from the ticket details. Some important customer information that may help businesses concerning their customers include marketing touchpoints, geographical location, and personal contact information.
The information that you have concerning your customers can be used to contact them. For instance, assume that one of your customers bought an electronic which later malfunctioned, but is still covered by the warranty for repair. The moment the repair is done, you can call your customer to come and pick their equipment. On the other side, you can do home delivery using their geographical address. Home delivery might attract some charges or might be free, depending on your policies.
4. Automate Workflows
A help desk is an intelligent tool that can automate tasks. Most of your customers are tech-savvy and very proactive. Therefore, in a bid to gain speed in what they want, they would be more than willing to perform tasks by themselves. Automation saves you time and enables you to focus on other activities for improved productivity. Automation is excellent in letting the software do repetitive tasks that are tedious to your employees. Thus, you can systemize regularly asked questions according to their specification, complexity, and priority.
5. For Analytics And Reports
Help desk software is a structured tool that enables you to collect data concerning your customers. In today’s business operations, data plays an important role in decision-making; thus, you should not make decisions based on guesswork. Once you’ve gathered enough data, you can use the analysis tool embedded in the help desk software to visualize it with charts and graphs. In addition, you can produce business reports that can be presented to the management during business meetings.
Customer satisfaction needs to be the goal of your customer support efforts. A customer who isn’t pleased with your services will likely abandon your business and join your competitors. Instead, your goal should be retaining your clients and ensuring that they’re transformed into repeat loyal customers. This is possible with a help desk tool that can be used as described in this article to improve your customer experience.
Cover Image: Online illustrations by Storyset