10 Steps to Build and Market a Successful App [Infographic]

As an app developer are you aware of steps that are essential to build and market a successful app? Are you looking to make your next app a success and want to learn the key processes that take one from idea to a successful app?

Today we have brought another neat infographic prepared by experienced developers at Dot Com Infoway which is a must have for every app developer.

The infographic lays out each step right from deciding on the app name, choosing the target platform, app store optimization to doing the final marketing on social media and other channels. Having this set of checklist handy while developing and marketing your app will ensure that you don’t miss out on any steps in making your app a success.

steps to build and market a successful app

Source: Dot Com Infoway

How many of these steps do you follow while developing an app? Do you give the right amount of importance to app store optimization and marketing efforts? Forgetting to give importance to testing, app-store optimization and marketing will only make it hard for you to make your app shine among the vast ocean of apps in the store.

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