Every business needs information in the most straightforward way possible, and Microsoft Excel can help with that and then some. However, sometimes we have a file that isn’t compatible with a spreadsheet and can only be opened with a PDF program. To make this information useful, you need to convert it to Excel for multiple reasons, including the ones listed below.
Data Analysis Becomes Easier and More Reliable
Handling data management in Excel is way easier than in PDF form because Excel is wholly designed to store and calculate a large amount of information at a time. You can also use features like filters and sort, which can’t be used in PDF form. On top of that, transferring data from a PDF form to Excel is often reliable – with the correct program.
You can use many free programs to convert PDF to Excel and maintain the format it was in before. For example, Clever PDF will transfer data into a spreadsheet flawlessly and quickly and will allow you to use all of Excel’s features once the transfer is complete.
Converting to Excel Can be Used for Visual Purposes
While implementing your data, you may want to show your numbers in a visual way rather than in pure numerics. Although a PDF document can visually depict graphs, it can’t convert the information already on the document to a visual component. To do this, you’ll need to convert the numbers from your PDF file to Excel before interpreting the data as a graph.
Once you have your PDF file on an Excel document, you just need to select all of the data you wish to put in a graph or chart and right-click to convert the data into an easy-to-understand format that is helpful in business meetings or for your accountants.
Accuracy is Maintained After Transfer and on Excel
When you’re inputting mounds and mounds of data, it’s easy to make a few mistakes here and there. After all, it’s impossible for professionals to remain accurate at all times. However, when you transfer your data from a PDF format to Excel, you’ll be able to keep all your data in one place with minimal transfer issues.
On top of that, while you’re inputting data, you can use multiple tricks like adding sums and duplicating tables, so you keep your data as accurate as possible. You can also apply filters so you can find and manage your data more thoroughly.
Conversion Makes Data Actually Usable
It’s challenging to find a more useful program for data entry than Excel because of its multi-use software. As a professional, you’ll receive data from multiple sources that have to be converted into a usable format. Some newbies may get it wrong and use PDF because it’s seen as more user friendly than Excel.
Learning Excel will save you a significant amount of time, but if you already have a PDF document full of information, you can now transfer it into an Excel format to make what you already have more useful while also having the ability to interpret more data easily.
Excel Saves a lot of Time and Resources
Sticking to PDF may seem useful at the time, but once you have a lot of data to input at once, or you have too much data on one document, it’s incredibly tricky to sift through that mess. Converting data to PDF form now makes it possible to edit that data in a clean format that doesn’t require a lot of busywork.
At the same time, manually entering the data that you already have on a PDF form can also take a lot of time you don’t have. It’s better to convert a PDF file to an Excel file than input all the data you already have in the other format.
Cover photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash