Each and every design element of your app or game is significant, collectively they play an important role in making your app or game a hit with the users. Keeping this in mind, we have handpicked some of the best free fonts that are available for free download to assist you in your design.
Instead of using the default fonts, you can use these fonts to give your apps and games a unique personality. You may use them in designing app logos, headers, games and in any text that you want to stand out. Go and check out these high quality fonts and download the ones you like the most.
At the time of writing this post, following fonts were free for personal and commercial use. However, please make sure you read the license before downloading as the terms of use can change and fonts may be made unavailable for commercial use. And, yes, remember to give credit where it is due!
1. Elegant Ink

2. Quirky Nots

3. Rhino

4. Minuscule

5. AC Mountain Font

6. Our First Kiss

7. Glamor

Examples of Custom Fonts in App Design
As you can see below, Ciel and Readit for Windows Phone use custom fonts to display app logos. This gives their app a brand image as well as a better professional look.
How to use Custom Fonts
Read this post by Kanishk: How to use custom fonts in Windows Phone and Windows Store apps