Download Telerik Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls FREE for limited time

Great news for Windows Platform developers, Telerik is giving away free licence of its Windows Phone and Windows 8 controls for the duration of TechEd 2014 i.e. next 4 days. Even better, once you claim these free licenses and download Telerik controls for Windows Phone and Windows 8, they will offer you a free upgrade to their Windows Universal tools as soon as they release them.

Telerik is the company behind many popular web and mobile app development tools like Kendo UI. They offer UI controls for all major mobile platforms including iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8.

telerik controls windows phone windows 8 free license

License for Telerik UI for Windows Phone usually costs $99 and for Windows 8 UI controls it costs $149 each for HTML and XAML controls. So that’s a total of $397 worth of software license that Telerik is giving for free. A complementary support ticket is also included with this free giveaway which usually comes with Business License.

Go ahead to Telerik’s TechEd site and claim your free License now.

Read on to find more details about Telerik UI for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and also find some of the apps that already use these controls.

Side note:

I use Telerik controls in my own Windows Phone apps and find them as well as Telerik’s support to be quite awesome.

Telerik UI for Windows Phone

Telerik UI for Windows Phone offers 60 controls including Calender, ImageEditor, Gauge, HubTile and many more. It also includes 50+ design templates to kick-start your next app design and 10 cloud powered controls which are integrated with Telerik’s cloud service.


Apps using Telerik UI for Windows Phone

Telerik offers its own demo apps for Windows Phone which are great for exploring the wide range of controls. You can download Telerik Examples and Telerik Cloud Examples apps from the Windows Phone Store. When you download Telerik UI for Windows Phone, you also get full source code of these apps.

Telerik also maintains a showcase of apps in Windows Phone store that use its controls. If you use their controls in your own apps, you can get your app added to their showcase by writing to them.

Telerik UI for Windows 8

Telerik UI for Windows 8 offers 35 HTML and XAML controls including Calender, Chart, Gauge, HubTile and many more.


Apps using Telerik UI for Windows 8

Telerik offers its own demo apps for Windows 8 which can be used to explore its wide range of controls. You can download Telerik XAML Examples and Telerik HTML Examples apps from the Windows Store. When you download Telerik UI for Windows 8, you also get full source code of these apps.

Telerik also maintains a showcase of apps in Windows 8 store that use its controls. If you use their controls in your own Windows Store apps then you can also get your app added to their showcase by writing to them.

In my personal opinion as a developer, this a fabulous offer by Telerik and should not missed by any Windows Phone and Windows 8 developer. Telerik controls are known for their performance and great out of the box design which are generally highly customizable too. I have used Telerik UI for Windows Phone in my own apps and found it to greatly reduce my app development time. Go ahead and claim your license as soon as possible (within next 4 days) and download Telerik controls for use in your own Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps.

Source: Telerik Blogs

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