Veesp: One Stop Cloud Service and Solution Provider

Are you a fast growing organisation requiring to upsize your IT infrastructure quickly and securely? Are you an organisation with large customer base looking for a hosted secure server infrastructure with very good bandwidth and high data transfer rate?

Are you a start-up looking for a cost-effective secure platform for hosting your websites and web applications? Are you an IT software development house looking to set up and test multiple technology platforms at minimal costs?

Well, then your search should end at

About Veesp

veesp vps proivder

Veesp is a 15-year-old organisation with 15,000 active customers and can be the single source for all your hosted infrastructure requirements – be it servers, web hosting, domain management, SSL certifications or creating a private network for an enterprise.

Veesp operates Tier II level data center and  has more than 30 points of presence (PoP) worldwide with core throughput capacity crossing 1.6 Tbit/s.

Here in this article we review the products and services offered by Veesp, analyse its quality and flexibility and provide an insight how they stack up against other organisations operating in the same space.

Summary of Services and Products

Below is the summary of the basket of products and services offered by Veesp.

Servers Web Hosting Content Management Systems Enterprise
Dedicated Servers Servers Magento Firewalls
Linux SSD VPS Domains Open Cart Load Balancer
Linux HDD VPS CMS 1C-Bitrix Private Networks
Windows VPS SSL Certificates WordPress VPN
Hosting Panels Joomla
LAMP Drupal


Below are a summary and review of the products and services


This is one of the key services offered by Veesp. You can choose to set up a dedicated server or a Virtual Private Server (VPS) in the data center. Based on specific requirements, you can choose to have Linux SSD VPS, Linux HDD VPS, Windows VPS or Dedicated Servers.

veesp servers

These services are much more efficient and cost effective than any of similar services in the market as you can see from the below comparisons.

Comparison between Veesp and Digital Ocean

There are different service providers offering similar services. Hence to showcase the advantageous of Veesp, we have carried out comparisons with equivalent offerings of Digital Ocean, a prominent VPS provider.

As highlighted in green colour below, Veesp provides more choices in terms of configuration, far superior data transfer and bandwidths making it faster and more cost-effective.

Please see the comparison table below

Component Configuration
CPU 1 1 1 1 2 2
RAM ( GB) 0.5 1 2 2 4 4
SSD ( GB) 10 25   50   80
Normal Storage ( GB)   50   200  
VEESP 100 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Digital Ocean N/A 1TB N/A 2 TB N/A 4 TB
VEESP 200 200 200 200 200 200
Digital Ocean Not Specified Not Specified N/A Not Specified N/A Not Specified
COST – USD/Month
VEESP 4 5 6 10 20 20
Digital Ocean N/A 5 N/A 10 N/A 20


Component Configuration
CPU 4 4 6 6 8 8
RAM ( GB) 8 8 16 16 32 32
SSD ( GB) 160   320   640
Normal Storage ( GB) 400   800   1600  
VEESP Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Digital Ocean N/A 5 TB N/A 6 TB 7 TB 7 TB
VEESP 200 200 200 200 200 200
Digital Ocean N/A Not Specified N/A Not Specified N/A Not Specified
Cost – VEESP: USD/Month 40 40 80 80 160 160
Cost DO: USD/Month N/A 40 N/A 80 N/A 160

Web Hosting Service

Veesp offers you with all the components that are essential to hosting an efficient, scalable, secure and high speed website at a guaranteed 99. 9 % uptime. That includes

  • VPS
  • Domain Names
  • SSL Certificates
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)

One Click Deployment: One of the USP of Veesp is the ability to install any of the popular CMS or hosting panel in few minutes. This is a very attractive proposition for organizations that has limited internal technical capability.

The supported products include

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal
  • Vesta CP
  • cPanel
  • LAMP


Your security is of paramount importance to Veesp. Right from your login through to all your infrastructure and applications, sufficient defence is put in place to protect your data.

Some of the examples of these protections are listed below.

DDOS Checking

Every login attempt is checked to ensure that it is not a DDOS attack attempt. This protection is enabled using the solution from Cloudflare. See a sample screenshot below.

ddos checking

SSL Certificates

Veesp offers 256-bit encryption using Comodo Positive SSL certificates. They are relatively inexpensive, very fast and compatible with all industry standard browsers.

These SSL certificates are available for all type of purposes starting from wild card to Multi Domain support. It is possible to get these certificates working in a few minutes and are quick and easy to set up.

Some of the key advantages of Comodo SSL certificates used for Domain validations are listed below.

Issuance: 3 minutes
Encryption: up to 256-bit
Key: 2048 bits
Warranty: $10,000
Available: 5 years
Browser compatibility: 99.3%
Free unlimited server licensing

Veesp also supports Symantec Secure Site, Rapid SSL and Thawte SSL.

IP Restrictions

Customer has the option to restrict the access to the client area to certain IP addresses. This improves the system security and protection significantly.

Enterprise Services

Veesp offers a fully adaptive infrastructure that is scalable to the changing demands of every enterprise customer. This includes

  • Ability to connect all parts of the hosted infrastructure under a separate private network
  • Setup firewalls
  • Setup load balancers
  • Setup VPN access to the private network
  • Configure every node to a fully fail-over multi node configuration

Customer Service

Organisations speak about excellent customer service – but Veesp practises it. Customer remains the most important stakeholder and there are many initiatives designed to create an outstanding customer service environment.  Some of them are listed below.


One of the biggest attraction of Veesp is its flexibility and speed of operation.

Veesp gives you freedom and flexibility to set up your Virtual Private Server (VPS) of any configuration and start using it in a very short time.

Payment Plans

Another big attraction is the payment plan, which offers monthly “as you use” flexible plans. This helps the customer to manage cash flows better and reduce capital expenses significantly.


This is primarily designed to help startups who need assistance in determining the infrastructure sizing and at times, the architecture of the solution.

Affiliate Programme

The affiliate programme is a great way of benefiting through referrals.

You can earn up to 10 % of the payments from your referrals.

Benchmark Results

We carried out benchmark tests on a typical VPS to evaluate the performance of some of the key components like Linux OS, RAM, SSD Disk, io throughput, latency to reach the network etc.

One of the products we used for these tests is sysbench, which is a very popular tool for measuring and benchmarking system performance.

The configuration of the VPS used is as below

RAM ( GB) 1
SSD ( GB) 25

Please see below the summary of the results

Parameters CPU speed Memory Speed Test
events per second 162.67  
total time: 10.0288s 10.0004s
total number of events 1632 1999996
Latency (ms)    
        Minimum                          29.89 0
        Average                                61.26 0
        Maximum                      163.09 5.39
        95th percentile:                      73.13 0
        sum:                          99974.46 3269.73
Threads fairness:    
   events (Avg/stddev):            163.2000/0.75 1999996.0000/0.00
   execution time (Avg/stddev):    9.9974/0.02 3.2697/0.00
Total operations:   1999996 (199907.49 per second)
MiB transferred   195.22 MiB/sec


Veesp is a very secure, reliable and cost-effective service provider with a full stack of services and products and can be the single stop for all your hosting needs irrespective the size, complexity or nature of your hosting needs.

The state of the art data center is equipped with latest technology components along with the global footprint of “points of Presence” provides customers near real time response anywhere in the world.

Over and above all this, the ease and speed of acquiring and configuring products and services makes Veesp to be the primary choice of a customer.

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