We are happy to release this free HTML website template which is designed with Material Design Light (MDL) framework and is completely free to download. This portfolio template is suitable for personal portfolio as well as company portfolio websites.
The template is fully responsive and is easily customizable. Using the MDL framework, you can change the color scheme to any other material design color without touching the CSS. You can choose a different color scheme using the MDL customizer tool and replace the CSS URL in head to apply the changes.
Preview of Material Design Portfolio Template
Find below a preview image of the template. You can also check out a live demo using the button below:

All the demo images (courtsey: Pixabay) as well as the Logo (in SVG and PNG formats) used in the demo website are included with the download file. The template has an easy to understand code which you can modify to suit your own needs.
Download Material Template
You can download this material portfolio template using the download button below. Upon downloading this template, you will find files for
- Home page (index.html),
- Portfolio page (portfolio.html),
- Portfolio item description page (portfolio-page.html),
- About page (about.html)
- Contact Page (contact.html)
- Sample Images
- CSS styles
- SVG and PNG Logo used in demo site
You can use this template for free in personal projects. In return, just credit https://templateflip.com for the website template on your site. You are not allowed to re-sell this template.
You may choose to pay a small fee to remove this attribution requirement, as well as to help the developers of this template, Buy License.
Don’t forget to share the post and check out our freebies section for other freebies. You can also find more material design HTML templates in our collection post.