As more businesses shift to remote working, file sharing is on the rise. Companies use file-sharing and cloud tools to send colleagues or customers documents, images, videos, and other content. While online file-sharing has undoubtedly made elements of business operations faster, more convenient, and more efficient, file-sharing can have serious implications on your data’s security.
If you are regularly using online tools to transfer sensitive information, you will obviously want to be sure that your data is safe. Unfortunately, not all file-sharing and cloud-based data storage systems are 100% secure. So, it is in your best interests to learn what steps you can take to ensure your online file sharing is entirely secure.

How to Make Your Online File Sharing Secure
Thankfully, there are ways to mobilize your file server to keep your business file servers secure and protect your shared files. The best way of making sure your files are secure when sharing them is to use professional file server mobile enhancement software. The best software enhances file servers with secure remote access, mobile file sharing, cloud migration, and data protection without sacrificing data privacy and ownership. It does that in several ways, such as:
- Maximizing security, to protect your network via translating remote requests for files to authenticated queries to network shares and the active directory.
- Using a hybrid cloud file server, which provides unparalleled security, flexibility, and performance for mobile access, cloud migration, and data protection.
- Using ransomware protection, which provides data protection and business continuity features to minimize the duration and impact of file server outages while reducing data protection costs.
Types of Security Issues
If you think you do not require additional security software to ensure your files are not at risk, you need to think again. Various types of security issues arise from sharing files. Here are some of the most common security risks you face when using file-sharing tools and data-storage cloud facilities.
Data Loss
While it is a good thing that many data storage services use sync features to simplify data access, it can lead to problems like data loss. While slow upload times can sometimes cause data loss, more often the problem arises when hackers grab your data in its most vulnerable state: when it is being shared between devices or being uploaded to the cloud. If someone maliciously deletes your data, the changes can apply to all of your synced devices, meaning you could lose everything if you do not have a reliable backup system in place.
Data Theft and Corruption
Hackers can not only delete data that is being shared. They can also steal or corrupt information. They can use a variety of technical techniques to infect synced files with malware like viruses, worms, ransomware, and spyware. Users are often unaware that they are downloading threats when they download shared content to their computers.
Insider Threats
It is not just anonymous hackers that companies need to be cautious of. Insider threats are also a growing concern for many businesses. When employees have access to sensitive data via file-sharing and the cloud, the data, privacy, and intellectual property rights are at risk. Untrustworthy employees could steal data from the cloud undetected or corrupt or delete the data.
Final Thoughts
While the above security risks are naturally worrying, at the end of the day, you can avoid file-sharing risks by adopting the most robust security software from industry leaders. Pay attention to your company’s potential file-sharing risks and you can ensure your data remains protected.
Cover Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay