We recently moved this blog from WordPress to Jekyll and created a site structure from the plain vanilla install of Jekyll. The first thing I noticed after moving our posts from WordPress was the absence of plugins for adding share buttons in blog posts and pages, so I made a simple static one of my own.
You can read about why we made the choice of moving from WordPress to Jekyll in my previous blog post. In this post I will share the code snippet I am using to create pretty little share buttons for sharing my posts on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. I will also show how you can extend it to add more services like Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr etc.
Share buttons in Jekyll posts
In order to add share buttons to my posts, I used the share URLs of the social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus which simply use the GET parameters passed with the URL to create the share dialog.
Step 1: Partial include file for share buttons
I created a partial HTML file in _includes
folder called _ share-page.html
which I added at the end of the post or page layouts after content. Find below the contents of this file. Notice the use of liquid tags such as {{ page.title }}
and {{ page.url }}
to automatically fetch the title and URL of the current post or page.
<div class="share-page">
Share this on →
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text={{ page.title }}&url={{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}&via={{ site.twitter_username }}&related={{ site.twitter_username }}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share on Twitter">Twitter</a>
<a href="https://facebook.com/sharer.php?u={{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook">Facebook</a>
<a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url={{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share on Google+">Google+</a>
You can find these share buttons at the bottom of this post. Just for the sake of demo, I am including them here as well. They will be functional here too.
Share this on → Twitter
Step 2: CSS styling the share buttons
Next I added a bit of styling with CSS. I am giving my SCSS snippet below just in case you may want to style it in similar manner.
.share-page {
text-align: center;
background: $secondary-color;
color: $light-color;
padding: 8px 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin: 1.5 * $spacing-unit 0;
a {
font-weight: 700;
color: #fff;
margin-left: 10px;
&:hover {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #fff;
This is how my share buttons ended up looking. Sweet and Simple!
Additional Share URLs
I didn’t want to create a long list of share buttons so I restricted myself to just three social sharing sites, however you can add more social networks by using the same technique. I am including the share URL structure of some of the popular social sharing sites below for your reference. Replace the URL, TITLE and other values as appropriate.
Google Plus
I hope these should be enough. If you need more, you can try looking up the respective social network’s developer documentation to find out their share URL.
In order to display the share count we would need to add JavaScript code to fetch and append the count. But to keep things simple and avoid unnecessary bloat to the page size, I chose not to display the share count.
Recently I came across this online utility which can automate the generation of static share buttons code. I covered more such helpful utility and resources for web developers in my another article.
More on Jekyll coming soon
As promised, we will keep sharing our experience of hosting this blog with Jekyll on GitHub pages, so do stay tuned. :)
that’s great! thanks! is there a way to display a preview image for the specific post? also the facebook share button just shares the title and description of the whole website, not the specific post. thanks! :)
Hi Valerio, You need to add Open Graph meta tag og:image to the head of your pages specifying the preview image that you want to appear. However, Facebook is generally smart enough to take out the pictures from your page and use it as a featured image. If you are still having any problems, kindly use Facebook Open Graph Debugger https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ to see how Facebook sees your page.
When I put these links on my site http://raviikmr.github.io the sharing links does not show up. I tried removing the div and styles but still not showing up. When I check the source of the page it shows up the links but not in the page. Help me.
Hi Ravi, I can see the sharing links in your posts. If you are still having this problem then let me know.
Hi, it looks like you moved back to WordPress? If so, can you share your reasons why, just out of curiosity. Thanks! :)
Hi Rachel, yes we did move back to WordPress and I wrote in detail about this move at https://superdevresources.com/jekyll-to-wordpress/
The bottom-line is that this blog is now a multi-authored commercial blog and WordPress is more suited to do that job peacefully. I enjoy working with Jekyll but I can’t enforce it on other bloggers who are more familiar with WordPress for blogging.
Great resource, thanks for sharing!
Besides the title and url that other attributes could be used
Simple and perfect. Thanks!
I see you’ve since moved back to WP. Why the switch back?
Yes that is right. I wrote in detail about the switch at https://superdevresources.com/jekyll-to-wordpress/