20+ AngularJS Admin Templates for Download

AngularJS is one of the most popular javascript frameworks when it comes to building web applications and admin dashboards. Being open-source and backed by Google, AngularJS is a good choice for admin panels, CMS backend and other kinds of web-dashboards which display data, charts, and stats.

In this post, we have selected the best AngularJS Admin Templates available for free download as well as some popular premium options. These premium and free AngularJS admin templates will surely be a good fit if you are looking forward to building an admin dashboard based on AngularJS. Some of these templates also include PSD files in the download which are useful for designing the dashboard and presenting to a client.

Building a responsive admin dashboard requires laying out web components such as charts, graphs, statistics tables and web controls under different tabs/groups. With our picks of these awesome AngularJS based admin templates, you will find it very easy to build your own admin panel as they include pre-built web UI components.

You will notice that a lot of these admin templates are built with Bootstrap. If you prefer Bootstrap as CSS framework, then do check out our list of Bootstrap admin templates.

Free AngularJS Admin Templates

Here is a list of AngularJS Admin Templates you can download for free. Most of these are open source and available on GitHub as well. Some of these admin templates offer a premium option which includes an additional set of UI components, plugins and example pages. If you are working for a client, we do recommend going for the premium upgrade for better support and for accessing an extensive set of UI components.

1. Paper Dashboard Angular

paper angular dashboard

Built with Bootstrap, this clean and modern dashboard template supports Angular2 and comes with pre-built dashboard components, customized plugins and example pages for the admin panel. You can go for the free version which is MIT licensed or you can opt a premium version where you will find an additional set of components, plugins and example pages. You also get access to full documentation and the source SASS files when you upgrade to the pro version.

Demo & Free Download View Pro Version

2. Light Bootstrap Dashboard Angular2

bootstrap angular dashboard

This is another beautiful and fully responsive Angular based admin dashboard template by Creative Tim. It has been built with Bootstrap 3 and offers clean card based design for the dashboard components and 6 different color schemes. Included with the template are example pages to get you started easily with admin panels and backend for web applications. You can grab the free version which is MIT licensed or go for the pro version which gives you access to 120 components, 15 plugins, 24 example pages, full documentation, SASS files as well as Sketch files for the template.

Demo & Free Download View Pro Version

3. Material Dashboard Angular2

material angular dashboard

Material Dashboard Angular 2 is a free admin dashboard template by Creative Tim and is based on Bootstrap. It incorporates Material Design for its UI elements and components as well as animations. The free version of this admin template is MIT licensed. For more features, you can check out Material Dashboard PRO Angular 2 which offers over 200 components, 15 plugins, 27 example pages, full documentation, and access to SASS files.

Demo & Free Download View Pro Version

4. RDash AngularJS


RDash is the AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme. RDash is responsive, bloat free, Bootstrap powered admin style dashboard. The dashboard uses a small number of modules to get you started, along with some handy directives and controllers to speed up development using the dashboard.

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5. Flatlogic Angular Material Dashboard


Flatlogic is an angular admin dashboard with material design. It is based on Angular Material and includes support for Angular UI Router, Sass styles, Gulp build and BrowserSync.

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6. Versatile Dashboard AngularJS Theme


Versatile theme is a boilerplate for an animated AngularJS starter theme written with Bootstrap LESS and powered by Gulp. If you’re starting an AngularJS dashboard application then Versatile AngularJS Theme comes very handy. It uses Angular v1.3 and Bootstrap 3 which just makes it easy to use. It supports all major browsers and has a fluent and subtle page transition animation.

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7. Ani Dashboard AngularJS Theme


Ani Theme is another doilerplate for animated AngularJS starter theme built with Bootstrap. It uses Angular v1.3 and Bootstrap 3 and has subtle page transition animation.

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8. Maverix


Maverix is a mac feel bootstrap theme and application boilerplate. It gives your web-apps a native look and feel of Mac OS and bundles AngularJS and other components such as jQuery, Flot and rangeslider.js. Maverix Theme is primarily made to enable app container based web-apps to look like native OS X Apps.

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9. SB Admin Angular


SB Admin angular is a fantastic and free admin template based on bootstrap. The theme features a variety of custom jQuery plugins to add extended functionality past the built in Bootstrap UI features. This theme can be easily used as a dashboard template, or as a webapp UI starter. There are RTL, metoer and ruby on rails version of theme admin template too.

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10. Blur Admin HTML template


Blur is a free Angular Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template with responsive layout. Blur is built with Bootstrap CSS Framework, Sass, AngularJS, Jquery, Jquery UI, Charts (amChart, Chartist, Chart.js, Morris), Maps (Google, Leaflet, amMap) and licensed under MIT license.

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11. PaperAdmin

PaperAdmin is an open source admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap and Angular JS 4. This single page admin dashboard template offers built-in components such as calendars, list view, charts, timeline view etc. It also contains login and register forms.

Demo Download

Premium AngularJS Admin Templates

If you are unable to find what you are looking for in the above mentioned free admin templates then we are also presenting a fine collection of premium AngularJS Admin Template below from ThemeForest. These templates are highly customizable and offer a lot of variety as well as professional support from its developers. (Note: the links are affiliate links.)

1. MDB Admin Template

mdb admin angular min

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MDB Admin template is a premium material design dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 and Angular. This admin template is perfect if you are looking for Material Design admin templates built with Angular. The template is fully responsive and comes packed with multiple pre-designed pages such as login, register, pricing, customers, profiles, map, settings etc. It offers multiple skins/themes and pre-built components for creating different dashboard views. You also get round the clock support from the developers when you choose to go with this admin template.

2. Metronic – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template


Metronic is the top selling Bootstrap admin theme of all times and offers 7 Admin themes, 1500+ UI Features, support for RTL and material design layouts. It’s built with Bootstrap, SASS and AngularJS to get you started with developing your admin dashboard.

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3. Angulr – Bootstrap Admin Web App with AngularJS


Angulr is an admin web application template built with Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS. It is built using grunt and bower with bootstrap and angular, features nested views & routing and lazy load for a large project.

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4. Pages – Admin Dashboard Template & Web App


Pages is not just a dashboard but a novelty among UI framework. It bypasses the usual admin dashboard structure, and move forward with a more sophisticated yet simple framework that creates a credible impact on the many conventional dashboard users. It supports AngularJS and MeteorJS

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5. ThemeKit – Angular, HTML Bootstrap Themes & Admin


With ThemeKit you get not only a theme, but multiple premium HTML themes refined for various niches, with specialized industry features and a vast UI framework developed for sustaining your projects on the long run. Built on top of Bootstrap, it includes 300+ HTML pages and a massive number of features and UI components. It’s Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Panel and UI for management apps & websites includes beautiful charting tools for reporting and many other features for business such as e-mail, chat, maps, media, tickets, and appointments.

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6. Xenon – Bootstrap Admin Theme with AngularJS


Xenon – is a lightweight responsive admin theme built with Bootstrap and contains plenty of UI components, layout variants and theme skins with a total of 100+ HTML files. Its built with LESS preprocessor of CSS which allows you to create your very personal version of Xenon by including only the components you need in one file.

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7. Make – Admin Template & Builder – HTML & AngularJS


Make is a flat and responsive admin template for multi-usage built with Bootstrap 3. There are a lot of useful components, well organized and structured properly. It offers you a great variety of layout options: RTL, boxed, sidebar on top, etc. Make comes with 4 complete admin themes, each with HTML, AngularJS and RTL variation. Make also includes an admin builder that allows you to customize your admin: sidebar side, style, topbar content, edit links etc. There is a material design version also included with this amazing admin template.

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8. Clip-Two – Bootstrap Admin Template with AngularJS


Clip-Two is an advanced, responsive admin dashboard template built with AngularJS, the Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. This theme is mobile friendly and ready for you to customize it any way you want to use it. It comes with 2 complete themes: Clip-Two Admin and Clip-Two Admin RTL Version. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.

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9. Triangular – Material Design Admin Template AngularJS


Triangular is a unique Material Design Admin Template built with AngularJS. Unlike most material design admin templates available today, Triangular has been built from the ground up using Google’s own Angular Material Design project. It includes 50+ example pages and unlimited menu levels along with 700+ material design icons and 500+ font awesome icons.

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10. Forza – Full-featured Admin App with AngularJS


Forza is a modern, forward-looking web application framework built with AngularJS and LESS. The theme is beautifully coded and fully featured, ready to be implemented in the admin end of your web application, or as an intranet theme. It’s also perfect for your next Rich Internet Application.

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11. Materialism – Angular Bootstrap Admin Template


Materialism is an Admin Template based on Angular JS with Bootstrap 3. The whole Template is compiled with NodeJS, Grunt and Bower which are tools to speed up your development significantly. With the supplied Gruntfile.js you can easily make your changes and build your own version.

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12. Fuse – AngularJS Material Design Admin Template


Fuse uses Google’s Angular Material project. All elements that available in the Angular Material project can be used within Fuse. Besides the Angular Material elements Fuse also have support for couple other elements: Material Design Cards, C3 Charts, Chart.js, Chartist, nvD3, Google Maps, Price Tables, Tablesand Datatable.

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More Admin Templates

We have an extensive collection of Admin Templates on our site and you can find them using the links below:

We would love to see what you build with these free and premium admin templates. Please feel free to show us your AngularJS based web projects in the comments below. Also don’t forget to add any other free AngularJS Admin Template that you may have come across or have used in your projects.

3 thoughts on “20+ AngularJS Admin Templates for Download”

  1. how to run this templates in Visual studio , Getting error angular.json like
    Local workspace file (‘angular.json’) could not be found.


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