Ever since Bootstrap 5 came out of beta, we are seeing more developers adopting it. There are many things Bootstrap 5 offers over Bootstrap 4 that can’t be overlooked, such as no jQuery dependency, RTL support and new components, utilities and customizations. To get you started with building websites with Bootstrap 5, download our latest freebie: a free Agency Website Template known as Super Agency.
With vibrant color scheme, SVG illustrations and sleek on-scroll animations, this agency HTML template is all you need create a landing page for your business or startup. The template has responsive design and can showcase your work, services, team as well portfolio projects in lightbox gallery. You can also feature your client testimonials or stats from your work.
While the template already packs relevant SVG illustrations and icons. You can also grab more illustrations as well as icon sets to add them in the website.
Preview of Super Agency HTML Template
Find below a full page screenshot of Agency Website Template. Do check out the demo to get a real feel of the website design.

Download Template
You can download this Agency Bootstrap template using the download button below. Upon downloading this template, you will find files for
- Landing page (index.html)
- Images (images)
- Illustrations (SVG)
- CSS styles
- JavaScript files
- Icon and Favicon files
You can use this template for free in personal projects. In return, just credit https://templateflip.com for the website template on your site. You are not allowed to re-sell this template. You may choose to pay a small fee to remove this attribution requirement, as well as to help the developers of this template. Learn More about premium license for this template.
Don’t forget to share this freebie. Also check out these creative digital agency templates that you can choose to build your website with. If you are building a business then our collection of best business letterhead templates as well as these professional business card design are sure to get you started with some great picks.