Smartphones have become an essential part of our technology stack. A mobile phone is not only a requirement for personal use but has also become quintessential item for business professionals.
If you have been following the technology recently, you would know that newer trends like machine learning, block-chain and big-data are now being focused to solved some of the real-word problem. These new trends are going to determine how we will consume data through smartphones in future.
If you are a business or a professional, you would want to be on top of these new emerging trends that are quickly becoming billion dollar industries. Take a look at the infographics by The Ninehertz below for top 10 mobile app development trends which are likely to dominate in the year 2020.

If you are interested in mobile app development then do check out our articles on development such as Reasons You Should Invest in a Website for Your App and Vue.js Frameworks for Building Mobile Apps. Don’t forget to share this infographics in your professional circle.
You can also check other infographics we have posted such as Why Android First Development Makes Sense. If you have a helpful infograhic for our readers then do submit them to us.