Admin dashboards rely extensively on front end JavaScript and it is natural to seek admin templates with your favorite JavaScript framework. In this post, we have a collection of free and premium Vue.js admin templates which will be useful for building admin dashboards.
If you are a front-end developer then you would have already heard about Vue.js JavaScript framework. Vue.js is an open source JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. It is a strong competitor to React and Angular. Many front end developers prefer working with Vue.js instead of React, Angular or even jQuery. If you are new then these free Vue.js tutorials will help you quickly understand the concepts of this amazing framework and will enable you to work with and customize the Vue.js admin templates listed below.
Vue.js Admin Dashboard Templates
Find below admin dashboard templates which are based on the Vue.js JavaScript Framework. They may also include other popular front-end libraries such as Bootstrap and Bulma. The free templates are marked as such in their title.
1. Vue Material Dashboard (Free and Premium Vue.js Admin)

Vue Material Dashboard is a premium Vuejs Admin Template developed by Creative Tim using Vue Material and Vuejs. It offers over 200 Vue.js components, 15 plugins and 28 ready-made example pages to kick start your development of admin dashboards. Full documentation is provided which allows you to build and customize the given admin kit as per your choice.
The premium version also offers access to Photoshop and Sketch files and has premium support included with it.
A free download of this dashboard template is also available and gets you 16 elements, 2 plugins and 7 example pages.
2. Vuetify Material Dashboard (Free and Premium)

Vuetify Material Dashboard is a premium admin dashboard template built with Vuetify, Vuex and Vuejs. It offers over 200 components, 4 customize Vue.js plugins and 8 pre-built example pages suited for admin dashboard development. Full documentation as well as support is provided with the premium version of the kit. It also include access to Photoshop and Sketch design files.
A free download of this dashboard template is also available and gets you 16 elements, 2 plugins and 7 example pages.
3. CoreUI – Bootstrap & Vue Admin Template (Free with Pro upgrades)

CoreUI is a free Bootstrap 5 admin template which supports multiple JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React.js & Vue.js. It is an open source admin template with a bunch of unique features and includes over 1000 high-quality icons. CoreUI admin template offers 4 versions: Angular, Bootstrap, React.js, and Vue.js.
4. Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard (Free and Premium)

If you want to build admin dashboard with Vue.js and Bootstrap, then this admin dashboard will provide you with a light and modern design UI kit. The dashboard template includes handpicked and optimized Vue.js plugins. It comes with 6 filter colors for the sidebar: black, azure, green, orange, red, purple and you can add a background image too.
Premium version includes 160 ready-to use admin UI elements, 17 vue.js plugins and 25 different example pages such as account, user profile, calendar, charts, maps etc.
A free version is also available for this dashboard and it has 16 elements, 2 plugins and 4 example pages.
5. Vue Paper Dashboard 2 (Premium)

Vue Paper Dashboard 2 is a premium Bootstrap Admin Template built with Vue.js. It is built using the same design language as Paper Kit 2 and is easy to customize, extend and build upon.
With this premium Vue dashboard template, you get access to full source code and documentation, along with premium support by the development team. The template include ready-to-use UI components such as alerts, notifications, grid, table, charts, forms and maps.
6. Vue Black Dashboard (Free and Premium)

Vue Black Dashboard is a dark themed admin dashboard template built with Vue.js and Bootstrap 4. It comes with a large number of components, designed to look beautiful, clean and organized. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics. It also sports RTL feature for the admin dashboard.
Premium version includes 200 ready-to use admin UI elements, 17 vue.js plugins and 28 different example pages such as account, user profile, calendar, charts, maps etc.
A free demo version is also available for this dashboard and it has 16 elements, 3 plugins and 7 example pages. The free version is MIT licensed and completely free to use for your projects.
7. Vue Paper Dashboard (Free and PRO)

Vue Paper Dashboard is a beautiful admin dashboard built with Bootstrap and Vue.js. Using this Vue.js dashboard is pretty simple and requires basic knowledge of Vue and Vue-Router.
The PRO version of Vue Paper Dashboard has 160 handcrafted components suitable for admin dashboards such as accordion, vertical and horizontal tabs, alerts, notifications etc. You also get 25 example pages with the template which includes: user page, timeline page, login and registration page. You get access to full documentation, source files and premium support with the PRO version.
The free version of this template offers 16 in-built components, 2 plugins and 4 example pages.
8. Sing App Vue.js Dashboard (Free & Premium)

Sing App Vue.js Dashboard is a completely free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Vue JS and Bootstrap 4.5. It uses Vue, vue-router and bootstrap-vue under the hood and has ready-to-use components and dashboard sample. Sing App Vue.js Dashboard is a great start if you are building SASS, E-Commerce, CMS or CRM platforms. There is also a full version with more features available.
9. Shards Dashboard Lite Vue (Free)

Shards is a a free Vue admin dashboard template pack featuring a modern design system and lots of custom templates and components. Shards Dashboard Lite Vue is built from scratch while following modern development best practices. The template comes packed with ready-made designs and dozens of custom components that you can use to kick-start your next app. Included with the download is both SCSS and Sketch files so that you can tailor the admin dashboard template pack to your own needs.
10. MDB Vue Admin Dashboard Template (Free)

MDB Vue Admin is a free, responsive Admin Dashboard template containing different styles of dashboards, data presentations, and numerous insightful components. Built with Bootstrap 4, VueJS and Material Design this template is MIT licensed and is completely free for personal as well as commercial use.
11. Vue Now UI Dashboard (Premium)
Vue Now UI Dashboard is a beautiful admin template built with Bootstrap 4 and Vuejs. It will help you get started developing dashboards in no time. Vue Now UI Dashboard Dashboard is the official Vuejs version of the Now UI Dashboard. Using the Dashboard is pretty simple but requires basic knowledge of Javascript, Vue and Vue-Router.
12. Vue Argon Dashboard (Free and Premium)

Vue Argon Dashboard is built upon Vue.js and Bootstrap 5 and offer over 200 components for creating premium and modern admin dashboard sites. The Dashboard also comes with pre-built examples giving you multiple options when building your dashboard. It includes documentation for every element that allows you to easily incorporate the admin UI into your own web design projects.
The premium version offers 200 components, 17 vue.js plugins and 26 example pages. Photoshop, Sketch files as well as SASS files and premium support is also included.
With the free demo version, you get 100 elements, 3 plugins and 7 example pages. The free version is MIT licensed and is easy to start.
13. Vuexy – Vuejs & Laravel Admin (Premium)

Vuexy is based on BootstrapVue and Laravel. It comes with support for composition API, JWT Auth, Laravel Mix along with build powered by SCSS and Gulp. You also get access to Sketch and Figma design files with this premium admin kit. A jQuery and React version of this admin template is also provided with the download. Full documentation and support is available along with providing access to the Gitlab repository for the source code.
14. MaterialPro Vuetify Admin Dashboard (Free and Premium)

MaterialPro provided material design admin UI style using Vuetify. It comes with ready made and customizable application page design and perfect for building dashboard web application and SAAS products. You can also use to for creating applications for inventory management, warehouse management, accounting software or any other app requiring admin features. RTL support is also included in the template and you get 6 different color skins along with premium support for 6 months.
A free version of this Admin dashboard is also available.
15. Xtreme Vuesax Admin (Free and Premium)

Xtreme Vuesax Admin is a fully-responsive and premium Vuejs dashboard template from Wrappixel. It offers 90+ page templates, widgets, fonts, and customizable options in both light and dark variations. You also get 90+ page templates, multi-language support, 2000+ font icons and 75+ UI components.
If you want, you can access the lite version this Admin kit too.
16. AdminPro Vuetify Dashboard (Free and Premium)

AdminPro is a Vuetify Dashboard Template which comes with 8 easy to use application templates pre-designed for eCommerce, email application, employee, calendar, todo, contact as well as a chat application. Additionally you get 300+ UI components, RTL support and 6 months updates and support.
Give it a try with the free version provided with this admin dashboard template.
17. Clear – VueJS & Laravel Admin Template (Premium)

Clear admin template is a premium Bootstrap based admin template built with Vue.js & Laravel Spark. It includes over 100 components including drag & drop form builders, charts, sliders, data tables, image uploading & resizing and advanced modals. Other features such as login, registration, user management, and user groups are already included and ready to use with the template.
18. Vue Admin Panel Framework (Free)

Vue Admin is an MIT licensed open source and free admin template framework built with VueJS 2.0 and Bulma. This admin panel framework offers responsive and flexible box layout, a variety of charts and multiple pre-built components such as progress bar, modal, date-picker, tabs, slider etc.
19. CoPilot – Responsive admin template with Vue.js (Free)

CoPilot is a fully responsive admin template built with Vue.js and Bootstrap 3. It is based on AdminLTE template and is highly customizable as well as easy to use. It fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops. CoPilot is an open source project licensed under MIT and is offered for free.
20. Vuestic (Free Admin Dashboard)

Vuestic admin dashboard is a responsive dashboard template built with Bootstrap and Vue.js. This beautifully designed admin template offers custom elements such as maps, chat, profile card, charts, progress bar etc. and pre-built pages for login and signup. The template is MIT licensed and open source on GitHub.
21. VueA – VueJS Laravel Admin Template (Premium)

VueA is a Laravel based admin template which utilizes VueJS as the front-end JavaScript framework. The template is built with Vue.js 2, Laravel 5.4 and Bootstrap 4 and does not use jQuery for its functionality. You can choose from 7 different layout options as well as multiple color schemes. All necessary components required to build a dashboard such as charts, tables, forms, maps etc. are included with the template.
More Admin Templates and Vue.js Resources
We also have collections of some of the best AngularJS admin templates as well as Bootstrap admin templates. You may also want to take a look at these Material Design admin templates if that suits your need.
While Vue.js is relatively new, there has been significant growth in its adoption. Numerous Vue.js based UI frameworks are available if you are building a web app or mobile app. Lastly, the awesome-vue repository of GitHub contains an extensive list of resources related to Vue.js including real world projects and development tools.
Another one:
Checkout this template. Another responsive admin dashboard template using vuejs & material design.
You can view the demo & download it from here..
Nice one & thank you from CoreUI Team :)
Nice list.
You can also check Free Materio Vuetify Vuejs Admin Template:
Thanks, Saanvi for sharing!
Just to let you know, we have just added our Sneat Vue open-source version do check it out: